For comprehensive information regarding our rental policies, equal housing notice, occupancy policy, requirements, disqualifications (including residence history, income, credit history, criminal history), and other relevant details pertaining to responsibilities, we encourage you to visit our dedicated “Statement of Rental Policy” page.
Please be aware that submitting an application does not automatically guarantee qualification for an apartment. It is meant to expedite the application process. Any provision of false or inaccurate information will result in the termination of your application.
It is your responsibility to thoroughly understand the rental policy and acquaint yourself with any associated fees related to the submission of your application.
APPLICATION FEE: The Application fee is non-refundable $55.00 (per applicant) and is due at the time the application is turned in for processing. Also, there is a $50.00 holding deposit to be added to the wait list. Because there are no exceptions, please review our qualifications carefully, making sure to the best of your knowledge, you will meet the criteria stated. A one-time, non-refundable administrative fee of $200.00 will be due upon lease execution. All occupants other than minor children must complete the rental application (income portion not required) to obtain a criminal background authorization. There will be a $25 non-refundable application fee for all occupants over the age of eighteen (18) years old.
Co-signers will be required for all undergraduate and foreign exchange students. Co-signers may be considered in the event the applicant is low on income. Co-signers will not be considered if the applicant’s credit does not meet requirements, or the applicant has a poor rental history.
Your next steps…
Make sure you have a program installed on your computer that can open PDF files. If not, click the button below to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.

- Print out the Application
This is also a mobile-friendly PDF to fill out, sign, and save if you have Adobe Acrobat for Android or iOS; otherwise, you may download it to your PC. - Fill out the entire application (Correctly)
- You can fill it out in Adobe, then print and sign, or otherwise print and write in all details and sign.
- Payment Form (Instructions below) OR attach a $105.00 NON-REFUNDABLE check or Money Order payable to Wexford on the Green (if mailing in or dropping off in person).
- Send the two documents to us via fax, email, or by submitting them using the preferred method using the electronic form below.
Wexford on the Green
2555 Royal Lytham Drive
Beavercreek, Ohio 45324
Fax: 937-431-9581 | Phone: 937-431-9580
Wexford on the Green will notify you upon receiving and reviewing the application.